Graph Theory

TitleAuthor(s)Imp.¹Rec.²Topic » Subtopicsort iconPosted by
Pebbling a cartesian productGraham✭✭✭0mdevos
Reconstruction conjectureKelly; Ulam✭✭✭✭0zitterbewegung
Edge Reconstruction ConjectureHarary✭✭✭0melch
Book Thickness of SubdivisionsBlankenship; Oporowski✭✭1David Wood
Shannon capacity of the seven-cycle✭✭✭0tchow
Number of Cliques in Minor-Closed ClassesWood✭✭0David Wood
Shuffle-Exchange Conjecture (graph-theoretic form)Beneš; Folklore; Stone✭✭✭0Vadim Lioubimov
Odd cycles and low oddness✭✭0Gagik
Beneš Conjecture (graph-theoretic form)Beneš✭✭✭0Vadim Lioubimov
Approximation Ratio for Maximum Edge Disjoint Paths problemBentz✭✭0jcmeyer
Approximation ratio for k-outerplanar graphsBentz✭✭0jcmeyer
Finding k-edge-outerplanar graph embeddingsBentz✭✭0jcmeyer
Exact colorings of graphsErickson✭✭0Martin Erickson
Star chromatic index of cubic graphsDvorak; Mohar; Samal✭✭0Robert Samal
Star chromatic index of complete graphsDvorak; Mohar; Samal✭✭1Robert Samal
Vertex Coloring of graph fractional powersIradmusa✭✭✭1Iradmusa
Covering powers of cycles with equivalence subgraphs0Andrew King
Obstacle number of planar graphsAlpert; Koch; Laison1Andrew King
Matching cut and girth✭✭0w
Minimal graphs with a prescribed number of spanning treesAzarija; Skrekovski✭✭1azi
The Borodin-Kostochka ConjectureBorodin; Kostochka✭✭0Andrew King
Stable set meeting all longest directed paths.Laborde; Payan; Xuong N.H.✭✭0fhavet
Arc-disjoint strongly connected spanning subdigraphsBang-Jensen; Yeo✭✭0fhavet
Do any three longest paths in a connected graph have a vertex in common? Gallai✭✭0fhavet
Lovász Path Removal ConjectureLovasz✭✭0fhavet
Turán number of a finite family.Erdos; Simonovits✭✭0fhavet
Switching reconstruction conjectureStanley✭✭0fhavet
Switching reconstruction of digraphsBondy; Mercier✭✭0fhavet
Signing a graph to have small magnitude eigenvaluesBilu; Linial✭✭0mdevos
Are almost all graphs determined by their spectrum?✭✭✭0mdevos
Minimum number of arc-disjoint transitive subtournaments of order 3 in a tournamentYuster✭✭0fhavet
Imbalance conjectureKozerenko✭✭0Sergiy Kozerenko
Fractional HadwigerHarvey; Reed; Seymour; Wood✭✭1David Wood
Chromatic Number of Common GraphsHatami; Hladký; Kráľ; Norine; Razborov✭✭0David Wood
Circular flow numbers of $r$-graphsSteffen✭✭0Eckhard Steffen
3-Decomposition ConjectureArthur; Hoffmann-Ostenhof✭✭✭0arthur
Cycle Double Covers Containing Predefined 2-Regular SubgraphsArthur; Hoffmann-Ostenhof✭✭✭0arthur
Monochromatic vertex colorings inherited from Perfect Matchings✭✭✭1Mario Krenn
Sidorenko's ConjectureSidorenko✭✭✭0Jon Noel
3-Edge-Coloring ConjectureArthur; Hoffmann-Ostenhof✭✭✭1arthur
Chromatic number of $\frac{3}{3}$-power of graph✭✭0Iradmusa
57-regular Moore graph?Hoffman; Singleton✭✭✭0Algebraic G.T.mdevos
Hamiltonian paths and cycles in vertex transitive graphsLovasz✭✭✭0Algebraic G.T.mdevos
Triangle free strongly regular graphs✭✭✭0Algebraic G.T.mdevos
Half-integral flow polynomial valuesMohar✭✭0Algebraic G.T.mohar
Ramsey properties of Cayley graphsAlon✭✭✭0Algebraic G.T.mdevos
Laplacian Degrees of a GraphGuo✭✭0Algebraic G.T.Robert Samal
Cores of strongly regular graphsCameron; Kazanidis✭✭✭0Algebraic G.T.mdevos
Does the chromatic symmetric function distinguish between trees?Stanley✭✭0Algebraic G.T.mdevos
Graham's conjecture on tree reconstructionGraham✭✭0Basic G.T.mdevos
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