3-Edge-Coloring Conjecture
Conjecture Suppose
is a connected cubic graph admitting a
-edge coloring. Then there is an edge
such that the cubic graph homeomorphic to
has a
-edge coloring.

Reformulation via 4-flows:
Conjecture Suppose
is a cubic graph with a nowhere-zero
-flow, then there is an edge
such that
has a nowhere-zero

* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.
On June 22nd, 2022 Anonymous says:
wouldn't removing any edge from a cubic graph make the graph not cubic?
A counterexample?
On August 3rd, 2021 Anonymous says:
What would be the cubic graph homeomorphic to K4-e? I think I can show there does not exist a cubic graph homeomorphic to K4-e. If so, this would seem to contradict the conjecture's claim.
Is there yet any progress on this problem?
On November 13th, 2020 Anonymous says:
Hello, I would like to know whether anybody made any progress on this. I tried to google and found nothing. Also, why is there nothing in Bibliography of this problem? Is there any paper involving or proposing it? Thanks in advance
Is this conjecture missing some greater context? It seems obviously false on its own