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Jacob Palis Conjecture(Finitude of Attractors)(Dynamical Systems) ★★★★


Conjecture   Let $ Diff^{r}(M)  $ be the space of $ C^{r} $ Diffeomorphisms on the connected , compact and boundaryles manifold M and $ \chi^{r}(M) $ the space of $ C^{r} $ vector fields. There is a dense set $ D\subset Diff^{r}(M) $ ($ D\subset \chi^{r}(M) $ ) such that $ \forall f\in D $ exhibit a finite number of attractor whose basins cover Lebesgue almost all ambient space $ M $

This is a very Deep and Hard problem in Dynamical Systems . It present the dream of the dynamicist mathematicians .

Keywords: Attractors , basins, Finite

Closing Lemma for Diffeomorphism (Dynamical Systems) ★★★★

Author(s): Charles Pugh

Conjecture   Let $ f\in Diff^{r}(M) $ and $ p\in\omega_{f}  $. Then for any neighborhood $ V_{f}\subset Diff^{r}(M)  $ there is $ g\in V_{f} $ such that $ p $ is periodic point of $ g $

There is an analogous conjecture for flows ( $ C^{r} $ vector fields . In the case of diffeos this was proved by Charles Pugh for $ r = 1 $. In the case of Flows this has been solved by Sushei Hayahshy for $ r = 1 $ . But in the two cases the problem is wide open for $ r > 1 $

Keywords: Dynamics , Pertubation

Sub-atomic product of funcoids is a categorical product ★★


Conjecture   In the category of continuous funcoids (defined similarly to the category of topological spaces) the following is a direct categorical product:
    \item Product morphism is defined similarly to the category of topological spaces. \item Product object is the sub-atomic product. \item Projections are sub-atomic projections.

See details, exact definitions, and attempted proofs here.


Bounding the on-line choice number in terms of the choice number ★★

Author(s): Zhu

Question   Are there graphs for which $ \text{ch}^{\text{OL}}-\text{ch} $ is arbitrarily large?

Keywords: choosability; list coloring; on-line choosability

Are almost all graphs determined by their spectrum? ★★★


Problem   Are almost all graphs uniquely determined by the spectrum of their adjacency matrix?

Keywords: cospectral; graph invariant; spectrum

Signing a graph to have small magnitude eigenvalues ★★

Author(s): Bilu; Linial

Conjecture   If $ A $ is the adjacency matrix of a $ d $-regular graph, then there is a symmetric signing of $ A $ (i.e. replace some $ +1 $ entries by $ -1 $) so that the resulting matrix has all eigenvalues of magnitude at most $ 2 \sqrt{d-1} $.

Keywords: eigenvalue; expander; Ramanujan graph; signed graph; signing

The Bollobás-Eldridge-Catlin Conjecture on graph packing ★★★


Conjecture  (BEC-conjecture)   If $ G_1 $ and $ G_2 $ are $ n $-vertex graphs and $ (\Delta(G_1) + 1) (\Delta(G_2) + 1) < n + 1 $, then $ G_1 $ and $ G_2 $ pack.

Keywords: graph packing

Decomposing k-arc-strong tournament into k spanning strong digraphs ★★

Author(s): Bang-Jensen; Yeo

Conjecture   Every k-arc-strong tournament decomposes into k spanning strong digraphs.


PTAS for feedback arc set in tournaments ★★

Author(s): Ailon; Alon

Question   Is there a polynomial time approximation scheme for the feedback arc set problem for the class of tournaments?

Keywords: feedback arc set; PTAS; tournament

Partitionning a tournament into k-strongly connected subtournaments. ★★

Author(s): Thomassen

Problem   Let $ k_1, \dots , k_p $ be positve integer Does there exists an integer $ g(k_1, \dots , k_p) $ such that every $ g(k_1, \dots , k_p) $-strong tournament $ T $ admits a partition $ (V_1\dots , V_p) $ of its vertex set such that the subtournament induced by $ V_i $ is a non-trivial $ k_i $-strong for all $ 1\leq i\leq p $.


Weighted colouring of hexagonal graphs. ★★

Author(s): McDiarmid; Reed

Conjecture   There is an absolute constant $ c $ such that for every hexagonal graph $ G $ and vertex weighting $ p:V(G)\rightarrow \mathbb{N} $, $$\chi(G,p) \leq \frac{9}{8}\omega(G,p) + c $$


Colouring the square of a planar graph ★★

Author(s): Wegner

Conjecture   Let $ G $ be a planar graph of maximum degree $ \Delta $. The chromatic number of its square is
    \item at most $ 7 $ if $ \Delta =3 $, \item at most $ \Delta+5 $ if $ 4\leq\Delta\leq 7 $, \item at most $ \left\lfloor\frac32\,\Delta\right\rfloor+1 $ if $ \Delta\ge8 $.


List chromatic number and maximum degree of bipartite graphs ★★

Author(s): Alon

Conjecture   There is a constant $ c $ such that the list chromatic number of any bipartite graph $ G $ of maximum degree $ \Delta $ is at most $ c \log \Delta $.


Hamilton decomposition of prisms over 3-connected cubic planar graphs ★★

Author(s): Alspach; Rosenfeld

Conjecture   Every prism over a $ 3 $-connected cubic planar graph can be decomposed into two Hamilton cycles.


Turán's problem for hypergraphs ★★

Author(s): Turan

Conjecture   Every simple $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on $ 3n $ vertices which contains no complete $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on four vertices has at most $ \frac12 n^2(5n-3) $ hyperedges.
Conjecture   Every simple $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on $ 2n $ vertices which contains no complete $ 3 $-uniform hypergraph on five vertices has at most $ n^2(n-1) $ hyperedges.


4-connected graphs are not uniquely hamiltonian ★★

Author(s): Fleischner

Conjecture   Every $ 4 $-connected graph with a Hamilton cycle has a second Hamilton cycle.


Every prism over a 3-connected planar graph is hamiltonian. ★★

Author(s): Kaiser; Král; Rosenfeld; Ryjácek; Voss

Conjecture   If $ G $ is a $ 3 $-connected planar graph, then $ G\square K_2 $ has a Hamilton cycle.


Hoàng-Reed Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Hoang; Reed

Conjecture   Every digraph in which each vertex has outdegree at least $ k $ contains $ k $ directed cycles $ C_1, \ldots, C_k $ such that $ C_j $ meets $ \cup_{i=1}^{j-1}C_i $ in at most one vertex, $ 2 \leq j \leq k $.


Edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in highly strongly connected tournaments. ★★

Author(s): Thomassen

Conjecture   For every $ k\geq 2 $, there is an integer $ f(k) $ so that every strongly $ f(k) $-connected tournament has $ k $ edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles.


Hamilton cycle in small d-diregular graphs ★★

Author(s): Jackson

An directed graph is $ k $-diregular if every vertex has indegree and outdegree at least $ k $.

Conjecture   For $ d >2 $, every $ d $-diregular oriented graph on at most $ 4d+1 $ vertices has a Hamilton cycle.
