Nearly spanning regular subgraphs

Petersen's theorem asserts that every regular graph of even degree contains a 2-factor (i.e. a spanning 2-regular subgraph). Iterating this easy result we find that for any pair of positive even integers , every
-regular graph has a spanning
-regular subgraph. The cases when either
is odd are considerably more complicated. There are some nice general results (see [AFK]) which show that every regular graph of sufficiently high degree contains a
-regular subgraph. However these theorems give no bound on the size of this subgraph.
For this conjecture is an easy consequence of Vizing's Theorem. Indeed, this theorem implies that every
-regular graph
has a 1-regular subgraph
(just choose a largest color class from a
-edge coloring). Alon [A] proved the conjecture for
with the help of two famous results on permanents: the Minc Conjecture (proved by Bregman), and the van der Waerden conjecture (proved by Falikman and Egorichev). It is open for all
*[A] N. Alon, Problems and results in extremal combinatorics, J, Discrete Math. 273 (2003), 31-53.
[AFK] N. Alon, S. Friedland and G. Kalai, Regular subgraphs of almost regular graphs, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B 37(1984), 79-91.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.