Geometric Hales-Jewett Theorem (Solved)

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This conjecture is trivially true for with
, and for
. The Motzkin-Rabin Theorem [PS] says that the conjecture is true for
. The conjecture is related to the Hales-Jewett Theorem, which states that for sufficiently large
, every
-colouring of the
-dimensional grid
contains a monochromatic "combinatorial"' line of
points. Say the Geometric Hales-Jewett Theorem is the statement obtained by replacing "combinatorial line" by "geometric line" (that is, a set of collinear points). This theorem is discussed in [P]. The conjecture is a generalisation of the Geometric Hales-Jewett Theorem.
This conjecture was disproved by Vytautas Gruslys [G].
[P] D.H.J. Polymath. Density Hales-Jewett and Moser numbers, arXiv:1002.0374, 2010.
*[PW] Attila Pór and David R. Wood. On visibility and blockers, J. Computational Geometry 1:29-40, 2010.
[PS] Lou M. Pretorius and Konrad J. Swanepoel. An Algorithmic Proof of the Motzkin-Rabin Theorem on Monochrome Lines, The American Mathematical Monthly 111.3:245-251, 2004.
[G] Vytautas Gruslys. A counterexample to a geometric Hales-Jewett type conjecture. J. Comput. Geom. 5.1:245-249, 2014.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.