Here is the tensor product (also called the direct or categorical product) of
This beautiful and seemingly innocent conjecture asserts a deep and important property of graph coloring. It is undoubtedly one of the most significant unsolved problems in graph coloring and graph homomorphisms.
We write if there is a homomorphism from
. The graph
has a two natural projection maps (projecting onto either the first or second coordinate), and these maps are homomorphisms to
and to
. So, in short,
. A graph is
-colorable if and only if it has a homomorphism to
. Combining this with the transitivity of
we find that
(indeed, if
, then
, so
- equivalently,
-colorable). So, the hard direction of Hedetniemi's Conjecture is to prove that
Let's define to be the proposition that
. Then the above conjecture is equivalent to the statement that
holds for every positive integer
. Now
holds trivially and
follows from the observation that the product of two graphs each of which contains an edge is a graph which contains an edge. The next case is quite easy too, if
, then both
contain an odd cycle. Since the product of two odd cycles contains an odd cycle, this shows
. The next case up,
was proved by El-Zahar and Sauer by way of a beautiful argument. It is open for all higher values.
A key tool in the proof of El-Zahar and Sauer is the use of exponential graphs. For any pair of graphs the exponential graph
is a graph whose vertex set consists of all mappings
. Two vertices
are adjacent if
is an edge of
is an edge of
. It is easy to see the relevance of
to this problem. If we have an
, then for every vertex
, there is a mapping
given by
. This associates each
with a vertex in
. Now it is easy to verify that whenever
are adjacent vertices in
, the maps
are adjacent in
. Rather more surprisingly, Hedetniemi's conjecture may be reformulated as follows:

The following conjecture asserts that Hedetniemi's conjecture still holds with circular chromatic number instead of the usual chromatic number. Here is the circular chromatic number of
. Since
this is a generalization of the original conjecture.

A graph has circular chromatic number
for positive integers
if and only if
has a homomorphism to the graph
. This is a graph whose vertex set consists of
vertices cyclically ordered, with two vertices adjacent if they are distance
apart in the cyclic ordering. So again, we may state this conjecture in terms of homomorphisms to graphs of the form
. More generally, let us call a graph
multiplicative if
implies either
. Now Hedetniemi's conjecture asserts that every
is multiplicative and Zhu's conjecture asserts that every
is multiplicative. With this terminology, El-Zahar and Sauer proved that
is multiplicative. A clever generalization of their argument due to Haggkvist, Hell, Miller and Neumann Lara showed that every odd cycle is multiplicative. Recently, Tardif bootstrapped this theorem with the help of a couple of interesting operators on the category of graphs to prove the
is multiplicative whenever
. Ignoring trivial cases and equivalences, these are essentially the only graphs known to be multiplicative.
It might be tempting to hope that all graphs are multiplicative, but this is false. To construct a non-multiplicative graph, take two graphs with the property that
(for instance
and the Grotzsch Graph). Now
is not multiplicative since
, but
. It seems that there is no general conjecture as to what graphs are multiplicative. Some other Cayley graphs look like reasonable candidates to me (M. DeVos), but I haven't any evidence one way or the other.
Poljak and Rodl defined the function . So, Hedetniemi's conjecture is equivalent to
. Using an interesing inequality relating the chromatic number of a digraph
to the chromatic number of a type of line graph of
, they were able to prove the following quite surprising result: Either
is bounded by
There are a number of interesting partial results not mentioned here, and the reader is encouraged to see the survey article by Zhu.