Importance: Medium ✭✭
Author(s): Erickson, Martin
Subject: Combinatorics
Keywords: game
Recomm. for undergrads: yes
Posted by: Martin Erickson
on: June 29th, 2010
Problem   Two players alternately write O's (first player) and X's (second player) in the unoccupied cells of an $ n \times n $ grid. The first player (if any) to occupy four cells at the vertices of a square with horizontal and vertical sides is the winner. What is the outcome of the game given optimal play? Note: Roland Bacher and Shalom Eliahou proved that every 15 x 15 binary matrix contains four equal entries (all 0's or all 1's) at the vertices of a square with horizontal and vertical sides. So the game must result in a winner (the first player) when n=15.


R. Bacher and S. Eliahou, "Extremal binary matrices without constant 2-squares," J. of Combinatorics, Volume 1, Number 1, 77-100, 2010.

* Erickson, Martin, "Pearls of Discrete Mathematics," CRC Press, 2010

* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.


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