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Weak saturation of the cube in the clique

Author(s): Morrison; Noel


Determine $ \text{wsat}(K_n,Q_3) $.

Keywords: bootstrap percolation; hypercube; Weak saturation

Obstacle number of planar graphs

Author(s): Alpert; Koch; Laison

Does there exist a planar graph with obstacle number greater than 1? Is there some $ k $ such that every planar graph has obstacle number at most $ k $?

Keywords: graph drawing; obstacle number; planar graph; visibility graph

Circular colouring the orthogonality graph ★★

Author(s): DeVos; Ghebleh; Goddyn; Mohar; Naserasr

Let $ {\mathcal O} $ denote the graph with vertex set consisting of all lines through the origin in $ {\mathbb R}^3 $ and two vertices adjacent in $ {\mathcal O} $ if they are perpendicular.

Problem   Is $ \chi_c({\mathcal O}) = 4 $?

Keywords: circular coloring; geometric graph; orthogonality

Twin prime conjecture ★★★★


Conjecture   There exist infinitely many positive integers $ n $ so that both $ n $ and $ n+2 $ are prime.

Keywords: prime; twin prime

Directed path of length twice the minimum outdegree ★★★

Author(s): Thomassé

Conjecture   Every oriented graph with minimum outdegree $ k $ contains a directed path of length $ 2k $.


Inequality of the means ★★★


Question   Is is possible to pack $ n^n $ rectangular $ n $-dimensional boxes each of which has side lengths $ a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n $ inside an $ n $-dimensional cube with side length $ a_1 + a_2 + \ldots a_n $?

Keywords: arithmetic mean; geometric mean; Inequality; packing

Perfect cuboid ★★


Conjecture   Does a perfect cuboid exist?


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Hamiltonian cycles in powers of infinite graphs ★★

Author(s): Georgakopoulos

    \item If $ G $ is a countable connected graph then its third power is hamiltonian. \item If $ G $ is a 2-connected countable graph then its square is hamiltonian.

Keywords: hamiltonian; infinite graph

3-accessibility of Fibonacci numbers ★★

Author(s): Landman; Robertson

Question   Is the set of Fibonacci numbers 3-accessible?

Keywords: Fibonacci numbers; monochromatic diffsequences

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Infinite distributivity of meet over join for a principal funcoid ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   $ f \sqcap \bigsqcup S = \bigsqcup \langle f \sqcap \rangle^{\ast} S $ for principal funcoid $ f $ and a set $ S $ of funcoids of appropriate sources and destinations.

Keywords: distributivity; principal funcoid

Is Skewes' number e^e^e^79 an integer? ★★



Skewes' number $ e^{e^{e^{79}}} $ is not an integer.


The Bollobás-Eldridge-Catlin Conjecture on graph packing ★★★


Conjecture  (BEC-conjecture)   If $ G_1 $ and $ G_2 $ are $ n $-vertex graphs and $ (\Delta(G_1) + 1) (\Delta(G_2) + 1) < n + 1 $, then $ G_1 $ and $ G_2 $ pack.

Keywords: graph packing

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House Of Fun Cheats Generator 2024 for Android iOS (updated Generator) ★★


House Of Fun Cheats Generator 2024 for Android iOS (updated Generator)


Linial-Berge path partition duality ★★★

Author(s): Berge; Linial

Conjecture   The minimum $ k $-norm of a path partition on a directed graph $ D $ is no more than the maximal size of an induced $ k $-colorable subgraph.

Keywords: coloring; directed path; partition

Simplexity of the n-cube ★★★


Question   What is the minimum cardinality of a decomposition of the $ n $-cube into $ n $-simplices?

Keywords: cube; decomposition; simplex

Stable set meeting all longest directed paths. ★★

Author(s): Laborde; Payan; Xuong N.H.

Conjecture   Every digraph has a stable set meeting all longest directed paths


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Long directed cycles in diregular digraphs ★★★

Author(s): Jackson

Conjecture   Every strong oriented graph in which each vertex has indegree and outdegree at least $ d $ contains a directed cycle of length at least $ 2d+1 $.


Seymour's Second Neighbourhood Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Seymour

Conjecture   Any oriented graph has a vertex whose outdegree is at most its second outdegree.

Keywords: Caccetta-Häggkvist; neighbourhood; second; Seymour

Shuffle-Exchange Conjecture ★★


Shuffle-Exchange Conjecture


Algebra ★★




Atomicity of the poset of completary multifuncoids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   The poset of completary multifuncoids of the form $ (\mathscr{P}\mho)^n $ is for every sets $ \mho $ and $ n $:
    \item atomic; \item atomistic.

See below for definition of all concepts and symbols used to in this conjecture.

Refer to this Web site for the theory which I now attempt to generalize.

Keywords: multifuncoid

Good Edge Labelings ★★

Author(s): Araújo; Cohen; Giroire; Havet

Question   What is the maximum edge density of a graph which has a good edge labeling?

We say that a graph is good-edge-labeling critical, if it has no good edge labeling, but every proper subgraph has a good edge labeling.

Conjecture   For every $ c<4 $, there is only a finite number of good-edge-labeling critical graphs with average degree less than $ c $.

Keywords: good edge labeling, edge labeling

Coloring and immersion ★★★

Author(s): Abu-Khzam; Langston

Conjecture   For every positive integer $ t $, every (loopless) graph $ G $ with $ \chi(G) \ge t $ immerses $ K_t $.

Keywords: coloring; complete graph; immersion

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The Crossing Number of the Hypercube ★★

Author(s): Erdos; Guy

The crossing number $ cr(G) $ of $ G $ is the minimum number of crossings in all drawings of $ G $ in the plane.

The $ d $-dimensional (hyper)cube $ Q_d $ is the graph whose vertices are all binary sequences of length $ d $, and two of the sequences are adjacent in $ Q_d $ if they differ in precisely one coordinate.

Conjecture   $ \displaystyle \lim  \frac{cr(Q_d)}{4^d} = \frac{5}{32} $

Keywords: crossing number; hypercube

Generalized path-connectedness in proximity spaces ★★

Author(s): Porton

Let $ \delta $ be a proximity.

A set $ A $ is connected regarding $ \delta $ iff $ \forall X,Y \in \mathscr{P} A \setminus \{ \emptyset \} : \left( X \cup Y = A \Rightarrow X \mathrel{\delta} Y \right) $.

Conjecture   The following statements are equivalent for every endofuncoid $ \mu $ and a set $ U $:
    \item $ U $ is connected regarding $ \mu $. \item For every $ a, b \in U $ there exists a totally ordered set $ P \subseteq   U $ such that $ \min P = a $, $ \max P = b $, and for every partion $ \{ X, Y \} $ of $ P $ into two sets $ X $, $ Y $ such that $ \forall x \in X, y \in Y : x < y $, we have $ X \mathrel{[ \mu]^{\ast}} Y $.

Keywords: connected; connectedness; proximity space

Highly connected graphs with no K_n minor ★★★

Author(s): Thomas

Problem   Is it true for all $ n \ge 0 $, that every sufficiently large $ n $-connected graph without a $ K_n $ minor has a set of $ n-5 $ vertices whose deletion results in a planar graph?

Keywords: connectivity; minor

Partial List Coloring ★★★

Author(s): Albertson; Grossman; Haas

Conjecture   Let $ G $ be a simple graph with $ n $ vertices and list chromatic number $ \chi_\ell(G) $. Suppose that $ 0\leq t\leq \chi_\ell $ and each vertex of $ G $ is assigned a list of $ t $ colors. Then at least $ \frac{tn}{\chi_\ell(G)} $ vertices of $ G $ can be colored from these lists.

Keywords: list assignment; list coloring

The Crossing Number of the Complete Bipartite Graph ★★★

Author(s): Turan

The crossing number $ cr(G) $ of $ G $ is the minimum number of crossings in all drawings of $ G $ in the plane.

Conjecture   $ \displaystyle   cr(K_{m,n}) = \floor{\frac m2} \floor{\frac {m-1}2}                      \floor{\frac n2} \floor{\frac {n-1}2}  $

Keywords: complete bipartite graph; crossing number

Decomposing eulerian graphs ★★★


Conjecture   If $ G $ is a 6-edge-connected Eulerian graph and $ P $ is a 2-transition system for $ G $, then $ (G,P) $ has a compaible decomposition.

Keywords: cover; cycle; Eulerian

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3-flow conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Tutte

Conjecture   Every 4-edge-connected graph has a nowhere-zero 3-flow.

Keywords: nowhere-zero flow

Chromatic Number of Common Graphs ★★

Author(s): Hatami; Hladký; Kráľ; Norine; Razborov

Question   Do common graphs have bounded chromatic number?

Keywords: common graph

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Monochromatic reachability in arc-colored digraphs ★★★

Author(s): Sands; Sauer; Woodrow

Conjecture   For every $ k $, there exists an integer $ f(k) $ such that if $ D $ is a digraph whose arcs are colored with $ k $ colors, then $ D $ has a $ S $ set which is the union of $ f(k) $ stables sets so that every vertex has a monochromatic path to some vertex in $ S $.


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Fat 4-polytopes ★★★

Author(s): Eppstein; Kuperberg; Ziegler

The fatness of a 4-polytope $ P $ is defined to be $ (f_1 + f_2)/(f_0 + f_3) $ where $ f_i $ is the number of faces of $ P $ of dimension $ i $.

Question   Does there exist a fixed constant $ c $ so that every convex 4-polytope has fatness at most $ c $?

Keywords: f-vector; polytope

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Combinatorial covering designs

Author(s): Gordon; Mills; Rödl; Schönheim

A $ (v, k, t) $ covering design, or covering, is a family of $ k $-subsets, called blocks, chosen from a $ v $-set, such that each $ t $-subset is contained in at least one of the blocks. The number of blocks is the covering’s size, and the minimum size of such a covering is denoted by $ C(v, k, t) $.

Problem   Find a closed form, recurrence, or better bounds for $ C(v,k,t) $. Find a procedure for constructing minimal coverings.

Keywords: recreational mathematics

Sums of independent random variables with unbounded variance ★★

Author(s): Feige

Conjecture   If $ X_1, \dotsc, X_n \geq 0 $ are independent random variables with $ \mathbb{E}[X_i] \leq \mu $, then $$\mathrm{Pr} \left( \sum X_i - \mathbb{E} \left[ \sum X_i \right ] < \delta \mu \right) \geq \min \left ( (1 + \delta)^{-1} \delta, e^{-1} \right).$$

Keywords: Inequality; Probability Theory; randomness in TCS

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